How Does Repo Rate Impact Personal Loan: A complete Guide
Personal Loan

Various factors affect and influence loan terms which is important for borrowers before getting a personal loan. One such factor is the repo rate. This has a significant role in determining the interest rates on urgent personal loan. This article will take you to the details of how the repo rate affects personal loans and how understanding about the repo rate will help you to make a wise choice.

What is Form 26QB for TDS? How to Download and Submit it?

Form 26QB for TDS is a crucial part of property transactions in India. It is a challan and statement used to pay the tax deducted at source (TDS) on the sale of property. Under Section 194-IA of the Income Tax Act, if an individual purchases a property for Rs.50 lac or more, they need to deduct TDS. 

How Do I Check All My Loan Details By PAN Number – Easy Steps
Personal Loan

A Pan card is not just an identification proof but also helps you to check loan details. You can apply for a personal loan and get your loan details using a PAN card. This ensures you have accurate and up-to-date information about your loans. In this guide, let’s learn how to check your details through your PAN number, understand the benefits of monitoring, and get clarity on common issues you might encounter.

What Is Advance Tax & How To Calculate It

Any individual or business in India is required to pay taxes within that financial year. Tax can be paid in two ways. The first option is filing returns and paying taxes at the end of the financial year. The second option is to pay tax in instalments throughout the year. This method is also called an advance tax payment.

Smart Tax Planning for Young Earners: Navigating Finances In Your Twenties

Whether you’re in your 20s and just starting in your career or well established, understanding the basics of tax planning is key to maximising your financial potential. This is not just about paying less in taxes, but also about ensuring you are following tax laws and regulations. By understanding and implementing tax-saving strategies, you can create the foundation for a more promising and secure financial future.

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